Deciding ToBuy
It is important to know how much home you can afford, while the team at Black Crown Realtycan help approximate this dollar amount, you really owe it to yourself to start your buyingjourney off right and get pre-approved before beginning your search. Not to mention, sellersare generally much more receptive to potential buyers who have been pre-approved. You’ll alsoavoid being disappointed when going after homes that are out of your price range or missingout on an opportunity to make an offer waiting to get pre-approved. With a pre-approval fromyour lender of choice, you will have actually applied for a mortgage and received a commitmentin writing from a lender. This is generally required as part of your offer package whenattempting to buy a property along with proof of funds for your down payment and good faithdeposit. When we present your offer to the listing agent, their seller will know immediately thatyou are a serious buyer for that property who is ready, willing and able to close. Let your BlackCrown Realty agent know if you need the name of a few lenders who service the area you arelooking to buy in.
Frame Your Ideal Home
Obviously there will be things you need and absolutely must have in your potential new home.Things like number of bedrooms for the size of your family, perhaps the need for a one-storyhome if accessibility is a factor. Then there are things that you don’t need, but want in an idealhome. We don’t always get a home that gives you everything you need and everything youwant, but we certainly try our best. For example, we may not find you a home with a pool or athree car garage, but we may find you with access to a community pool or ample street parking.Write your list down and break out needs versus wants so we can do a better job of finding youthe best options in your market.
Hire a Real Estate Agent You Trust
It always shocks us how many people will search online for a home, walk in and ask the agentwho works for the sellers to help them buy the property. You can, but what do you actuallyknow about that agent? The seller pays the commission for both the buyer and the seller, so ifyou are buying a property you should pick someone you trust and know has the experience toguide you through the process. It costs you nothing and you deserve the best. We may be a bitpartial, but we think you should pick an agent from Black Crown Realty.
Let’s Hit The Road!
Once you have hired us and you’re pre-approved, we will be ready to get out there and findthat new home. We have your list of needs and wants and will start sending you properties tosee if you have any interest in seeing any of them. Many of our clients take advantage of ourBlack Crown Realty mobile app which utilizes Artificial Intelligence to start building a profile of the types of properties you like. Each time you like a property or make notes, we get a littlebetter at understanding what you are looking for. It’s a pretty snazzy algorithm. You can alsouse this website’s search function which offers you one of the most robust and seamless searchengines on the market. Our team will then work with you to schedule a few tours of homesthat match your profile.
Be Objective and Thoughtful
Looking at homes can be tough on the mind. Some properties will still be occupied by theseller, some will be completely empty and some will be staged with furniture to help you get abetter understanding of how the space could look if you were to buy it. What we tell ourclients to do is to be objective and not get emotional about homes. Ask yourself if it meetsyour needs. Does it also check off a lot of those “wants” that you wrote down earlier? Oftentimes, clients will feel rushed or a sense of urgency to snag up a home on the market and theiremotions take over. Be patient, you’ll know the right home for you when you see it. Lastly,don’t forget about taking in to consideration the neighborhood, proximity to shopping, parksand freeways. If you have children, do the schools meet your needs? Are there any nuisancesthat could be of concern like unkept properties nearby or overhead powerlines? As you cansee, having a professional to help you becomes more and more important.
Mind the Details
We have built in techniques to help ensure that any property we get under contract is up topar. As part of your written offer you will most likely be offering to buy the property subject toa property inspection by a certified inspector we know and trust, an appraisal coming in at theor above the purchase price and of course you getting your financing in place. That last bit ismade easier with a pre-approval obviously. We will also walk through your property 24 hoursbefore close to make sure what you offered to buy looks the same as when you made the offerand that any requested repairs have indeed been made.If you have read this far, you may be thinking “there is a lot to know!” And, you would be veryright. Don’t let it get overwhelming, we walk you through the process and we have theexpertise and experience to do it. Call or email us today to get started or just ask questions.We are always here to help
Why Do You Want To Buy?
Are you tired of paying rent? Have you decided to pay your own mortgage and not your landlord’s? Have you outgrown your current home? Are you looking for an investment portfolio? Are you looking for a rental property? Would you like a larger yard? Would you rather live in a different area? Do you want to shorten your commute? Having a clear sense of your reasons for buying will help you choose the right property.
Has Your Income Grown?
Property ownership is an excellent investment; whether you are looking for your dream home, a rental property, or to expand your investment portfolio. Owning real estate is one of the least risky ways to build equity or to obtain a greater return on your initial investment.